jueves, 14 de julio de 2016

And Is The Third ¬¬

1. Chemistry is the science that deals with materials in laboratories: True
2. There is only type of chemistry: False
3. Organic chemistry looks at which chemicals are in things: False
4. Organic chemistry looks at things that have carbon in them: True
5. Polymer chemistry is a small area of chemistry: False

1. The basic unit of an element is called an proton
2. Acids can't react witn bases
3. Inorganic chemistry looks at thingsm that have carbon in them
4. The atomic mass of an alement can't be used to see how much of the element makes a mole

2 comentarios:

  1. ex 1°_ ok
    2°_ inc
    ex 2°
    1- the basic unit of an element is called an atom
    2-Acid can react wint bases
    3-Inorganic chemistry dont looks at thingsm thah have carbon in them.
    4- The atomic mass of an element can be used to see how much ofthe element makes a mole.
